Sunday, 27 January 2013

Acting Assessment 23/01/13

On the 23 of January I had my first acting assessment and for our assessment we had to perform our monologues in our characters and make the monologue look realistic, for this we were allowed to have a costume the give the character personality and we were also allowed to props to make a scene.
To prepare for the assessment we done a relaxation method, which was to lay on the floor with your eyes shut and imagine you were sinking in the floor, then you had to tense your muscles from toe to head and release the tension, then we had to imagine three boats; one red; one blue and one yellow, and then you had to put all you worries an stress on to these three boats and push them away. When we finished our relaxation method we did a physical and vocal warm-up, so to start of we walked around the room in our character in slow or fast paces to warm us up. Then we stood ourselves in a C shape and walked into the center and spoke a line from our monologue as loud as we could. After this we did a vocal warm-up which was to speak these words (pop, pup, pub, bap, bop, thin, than, think, moth, bath, maths).

After getting warmed up we took in register order to perform our monologues in front of a camera with your scene set and in character.
In my performance, My emotions were Anger, Sadness, Sarcasism and Comedy. To show my anger the movement I did was, I stormed into the room with a box full of clothes and then I put them on the table and folded them up, on certain line I changed my emotion to sadness and what I did was I sat down on the chair hugging my scarf and this was on the line "Their fairy God parents were looking for them on the day they were born". When I got to the Line " What half decent prince would ever want to marry a girl who come from a kingdom that smells something like when a cat vomits up a dill pickle" I stood up and walked around the room sarcastically but still quite sad to show the Sarcasism. Then to show the comedy of it all I went straight into laughing from the line "All the fairies hate me because I wouldn't clap for Tinkerbell"  The props I had for my performance was A table, Chair, A box and some clothes. I did work on my speech and My projection of my voice and I did work on that but some parts of the monologue I was supposed to not be loud and be depressed.

Overall I thought my performance went well, It was far more better than my previous performances, because I had alot more emotions in it, and I used the given spaced provided.
The main thing I would improve on would be to speak more loudly and clearer this is because when I perform my monologue I need people at the far back of a theater or room to hear clearly what I'm saying.
If I had the chance to perform my monologue again I would think more deeply into the scenery, because it would help the performance look more realistic but also it would set a much bigger personality for the character. Since my last two monologue that I have been given, I have learnt what sort of emotions fit in well with the story line.

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